Friday, March 9, 2012

Introducing....The HCS blogspot!!!

Aloha and welcome to our HCS blogspot!  This blog is for all Hawaii Catholic Schools teachers, staff, administrators and interested persons  and is intended to be a safe environment where information can be shared, debated, discussed and introduced that pertains to all things Hawaii Catholic Schools and particularly our implementation of our Systems for Success.

I will upload new posts as topics come up for discussion.  New posts will be related to our goals and objectives listed in our Systems for Success strategic plan and may include links to articles, websites and other material designed to foster discussion and dialogue.

This blog will also house links to pertinent information so that, as necessary, we can refer to specific documents in our conversations.  The HCS blogspot  is a respectful forum that gives us another arena to collaborate and communicate about the many challenges, opportunities, and exciting changes that are facing us as educators in Catholic institutions.

So how about we begin with this talking point:
"What are some ways that we as Catholic institutions of learning continue to effectively educate our   students for the 21st century world (one that we are not even sure of what it is going to look like) and infuse our Catholicity throughout our curriculum?"

I look forward to the ongoing opportunity to engage in meaningful and professional dialogue with our Hawaii Catholic Schools educators and people beyond our beautiful islands!

pj foehr

Links to pertinent documents:
Hawaii Catholic Schools System for Success documents
March 2012 Networking for Success Newsletter

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